
Don't miss out on the latest updates. Stay informed about new features and bug fixes. If you have a question about a certain update, contact us. We'''re here to help!

Trade & Premium Update



  • Added the ability to trade items with other users. Use /trade to start a trade.
  • Added upgradable bank limits back in Coinz. Use /balance to upgrade your bank limit.
  • Added /slots command to play a slot machine.


  • Let Coinz Pro users invest up to 🪙 15.000 in their business instead of the previous 🪙 10.000.
  • Coinz Premium users will now receive a 50% discount on upgrading their bank limit.
  • Fixed a lot of small bugs in Coinz.
  • Lowered the maximum amount of money you can pay to other users from 🪙 15.000 to 🪙 10.000 for Free users.
  • Fixed the factory buy and upgrade buttons.

Update posted on: Mon Apr 22 2024

Stability Bug Fixes



  • Let Coinz Pro users invest up to 🪙 10.000 in their business.
  • Coinz Pro users can now pay up to 🪙 30.000 to other users instead of the previous 🪙 25.000.
  • Fixed an issue where all CEO's are removed from their businesses.
  • Updated small typo's in messages.
  • Added the ability for business employee's to leave the business.

Known Bugs

  • No ability to upgrade your bank balance.
  • Factory not working issue, we disabled some features to fix this issue.

Update posted on: Mon Apr 22 2024

Premium & Quality of Life Update



  • We've decided to bring back the premium subscription in Coinz. We try to also keep it as fair as possible.
  • More information about premium can be found here.

Business Overhaul

  • Reworked the business feature and made some major changes to the buying and selling of products. Businesses will buy and sell products from a global market that is driven by other businesses. So prices of products may vary.
  • Removed the /business supply command in favor of the new market system.
  • Employees will now receive an equal share of the profits of the business.
  • In the future we will add more features to the business system, like a dedicated market command (and page on the website) to view the current prices of products, a leaderboard of all businesses on the website and more!


  • 4 new crops to use in /farm: Chili Pepper, Blueberry, Raspberry & Beetroot.
  • Added new items in the shop: Chainsaw, Fertilizer
  • Added 13 new crypto currencies to invest in.
  • Added the premium subscriptions back in Coinz, click here for more information.
  • Added 11 new achievements: Animal Hunter, Coinz Addiction, No Life, The Final Boss, Cast Your Vote, Lumberjack, Bad Luck, Lucky You, Almost Won, Big Gambler & A Real Farmer.
  • Added random events in /tree that can change the outcome of your tree. These events can be good or bad.
  • Moved the /help guide to the new guide page on the website.
  • You can now use Knife and Bow in /hunt
  • Added voting back in Coinz, vote for Coinz here.


  • Merged /tree cut and /tree view into /tree.
  • Merged /ping into /info.
  • Lowered /beg cooldown from 15 minutes to 10 minutes.
  • Updated some of the investment logos.
  • Changed the AI generated images from Midjourney to Adobe Firefly in /tree.
  • Chainsaw cuts down trees instantly, Axe takes 1 hour.
  • Stocks are now updated every 10 minutes, crypto every minute.
  • Crops now require enough soil quality to plant them. Use fertilizer to increase soil quality.
  • Leveling system has been reworked. Level difficulty is now exponential.
  • The level you are now controls how much you can pay someone using /pay. Level 0 can send a maximum of 1000 coins, for every 3 levels you can send 1000 more coins.
  • Lowered the cooldown of /fish and /hunt from 20 minutes to 15 minutes.
  • If you miss 2 or 3 days in /daily your streak will no longer reset but will be lowered by 25% or 50%.


  • Removed Bag from the shop, you can no longer use them in /tree.
  • Removed Premium Fishing Rod from the shop, the fish command doesn't give you better fish with this fishing rod.
  • Removed following achievements: Going Places, Bug Hunter & Easy Blackjack!.
  • Fixed a bug in /daily where your daily streak wouldn't reset after missing more than 3 days.
  • We temporarily removed the /connect4 command because it was not up to our standards. We will bring this feature back in a future update.

List of new crypto tickers

  • ICP - Internet Computer
  • LINK - ChainLink
  • APT - Aptos
  • QNT - Quant
  • STX - Stacks
  • HBAR - Hedera
  • FIL - Filecoin
  • EOS - EOS
  • CRO - Cronos
  • AAVE - Aave
  • XTZ - Tezos
  • MANA - Decentraland
  • LUNA2 - Terra 2.0

Update posted on: Sat Apr 20 2024

Bug Fixes & Future



  • Fixed help guide bug
  • Fixed UI bugs
  • Fixed /hunt bug
  • Removed the Coinz Premium feature. All former premium features are now available for free to all users.

Open Source

  • Open-sourced the entire Coinz project to encourage community contributions. Links to the repositories can be found in the announcement.
  • Users are now allowed to self-host the bot, however, official support won't be provided.

Support Coinz

  • If you want to support Coinz, please consider donating here.

Update posted on: Tue Jun 20 2023

Rewrite Update


New Commands

  • /loot - Enter a building and loot all the items and money in the rooms.
  • /tree - Plant a tree and watch it grow. When it becomes big enough you can cut it down for some wood.

Work Overhaul

  • Moved /work to /job work
  • Added required items to apply for a job.
  • Finally added the level requirement for jobs.
  • Allowed members to have a job and work at a business at the same time


  • Renamed /business employee set-wage to /business employee set-payout and changed the amount to a percentage.
  • To pay yourself and other employees use /business pay-dividends, this will withdraw money from your business and pay it to your employees.


  • We removed some games that were not up to our standards. We removed /poker, /slot-machine & /coinflip.
  • Removed items that were not used: christmas_tree, santas_hat & tree.
  • Added 7 new crops in the shop: cauliflower, pumpkin, sunflower, cucumber, radish, soybean, wheat.
  • Added a new fishing rod to get even more fish from the /fish command.
  • Added ability to increase chances of a successful /steal with a bomb.
  • Added ability to lower chances of you getting robbed using /steal with a padlock.
  • Fixed the /connect4 and the blackjack achievement bug.
  • Removed the /server-config command.
  • Renamed /user-config to /config.


  • We removed the airdrops feature because it had a lot of bugs.
  • We intent to bring this feature back in a future update but with a different approach.

Update posted on: Thu Feb 09 2023

Passive Mode & Bug Fixes



  • Added user-config option /user-config passive-mode
  • When passive mode is enabled you cannot use: /steal, /business supply steal & /pay
  • Fixed bugs from v2.4.1

Update posted on: Mon Jan 09 2023

Steal & Scratch Update



  • Added a new minigame /scratch
  • Added a way to steal money from users using /steal
  • Added a way to rename your business using /business rename
  • A Leveling system! More info about this feature later
  • Added cluster support so shards are less crowded (From ~1000 servers/shard to ~350 servers/shard)


  • Limited plots to 9 /farm plots for free users (decreased from 15 plots)
  • Added cooldowns on /business create & /business supply
  • Fixed the blackjack achievement bug
  • Airdrops should be fixed now
  • Changed airdrop rates from 1-2 hours to 1-12 hours
  • Fixed stocks and crypto not being updated


  • Removed /dig, the replacement of this command is /scratch

Leveling System

With this new leveling system you unlock certain commands at a later level. So you will get new content even when you use the bot for some time. We will extend this feature in the coming updates.

You get experience for completing commands or winning games. You can check your level using /profile.

Update posted on: Mon Jan 02 2023

Quality of Life Update



  • Moved /notification settings to /user-config
  • Moved /guide to /help guide
  • Added a 🪙 7500 limit on your bank balance, increasing this limit will be available in the future
  • Added loot tables, view them using /help loot
  • Added more products to produce in /factory
  • Factory products now have requirements in order to produce them in the factory


  • Fixed airdrops not spawning after a long period
  • Renamed /company to /business
  • Added option to buy inventory using /business supply (for factory product requirements)
  • Renamed /plot to /farm
  • Nerfed /coinflip command (lowered payout)
  • Nerfed /higherlower command (lowered payout)
  • Fixed some achievement bugs
  • To view all commands in a category use /help categories
  • To get more information about a command use /help command
  • Fixed /horse-race payout bug
  • And a lot more!


  • /crime command, this command will be replaced with the /steal command in the future

Known Bugs

  • Connect4 sometimes not seeing a winning pattern

Update posted on: Fri Dec 02 2022

Airdrops & Achievements Update



  • Grind even harder to claim achievement. Command: /achievement
  • A notification system to enable/disable direct messages or mentions. Command: /notification
  • Airdrops!!! A brand new and unique feature.
  • Statistic tracking for certain items.
  • Added 10 new items in the shop
  • Added 21 new investments (10 stocks and 11 crypto currencies)
  • Added a new game: /connect4


  • Fixed a lot of bugs from v2.2.0
  • Migrated to new more stable servers
  • Removed votes channel, vote notifications are now sent in private messages.
  • Added slash command mentions

More information about Airdrops

This feature will drop random items every 1-12 hours in your server for users to collect. You can set this feature up using /server-config airdrop set-channel.

List of new investment tickers

  • V - Visa
  • HD - Home Depot Inc.
  • MA - Mastercard Incorporated Class A
  • WMT - Walmart Inc.
  • QCOM - Qualcomm Incorporated
  • AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
  • ORCL - Oracle Corporation
  • PYPL - PayPal Holdings Inc.
  • SBUX - Starbucks Corporation
  • GE - General Electric Company
  • TRX - TRON
  • ATOM - Cosmos
  • XLM - Stellar
  • ALGO - Algorand
  • APE - ApeCoin
  • EGLD - Elrond
  • ANKR - Ankr
  • CHZ - Chilliz
  • MKR - Maker
  • LUNA - Terra Classic

Update posted on: Sat Sep 03 2022

Quick Bug Fixes



  • Set a max bet limit on all games of 5000 coins
  • Increased cooldown of /crash to 15 minutes
  • Increased fail chance of /crash to 20%
  • Decreased multiplier of /crash to 0.1x and multiplier starts on 0.8x
  • Decreased /daily cooldown to 23 hours
  • Fixed some of the The application did not respond and Coinz is thinking errors
  • Fixed /inventory, /profile, /shop and other commands that use items

Update posted on: Sun Aug 07 2022

Coinz v2



Coinz economy has changed from a per-server economy to a global economy. This means you now have the same inventory, wallet, stocks, ... in every server. You didn't lose progress. We transferred your current progress into this new system.


  • Lucky Wheel, spin the lucky wheel to get awesome rewards. (/lucky-wheel rewards)
  • New /work minigame added. Order the buttons from low to high.


  • Updated Coinz to discord.js v14, this uses the latest Discord API version (v10).
  • Hunt command now uses areas to hunt.
  • The fish command will have a button to reel in the fishing rod.
  • Job no longer requires a level.
  • Lowered crime fail chance to 35%
  • Voting system, this feature gives a free spin on the Lucky Wheel.


  • /leaderboard command. We are going to rewrite this command better than before.
  • /config command. Since this is a global economy Coinz currently doesn't have any server settings.

Update posted on: Sat Aug 06 2022

First Big Update



  • Companies! More info using /help company
  • You can now buy factories to produce items for your company.
  • Voting system, get rewards for voting on Coinz. /vote links
  • List of new Commands: /company, /factory, /vote


  • Net Worth is now only wallet and bank balance combined
  • Lowered cooldowns on commands
  • Fixed permissions bug in /reset
  • Fixed profile picture in /portfolio
  • Fixed money not getting removed when you die playing Russian Roulette
  • Fixed inventory UI bug

Known Bugs

  • Stock Ticker DIS is not updating
  • Double voting weekends not working

Update posted on: Sun Jul 03 2022